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Email discussion lists for the UK Education and Research communities

JiscMail Helpline

Contact Details

Email: help@jisc.ac.uk
When you email the Helpline your message will be automatically recorded by our call system and an acknowledgement sent out containing a unique 'ticket number'. The query is then handled by a member of the team who will reply as soon as possible within 5 working days.

Tel: 0300 300 2212
Hours: Mon-Fri 7am to 12am

Contacting the list owner

If you have problems joining or leaving a list or have any list-specific questions, it is recommended to contact the list owner first. To do so, send an email to the following address:

(Replace LISTNAME with the name of your mailing list)

Useful Mailing lists


This is a mailing list for list owners to help each other or discuss matters relating to list ownership. To join, send a request along with the name of the list you are owner of to: owners-talk-request@jiscmail.ac.uk


This mailing list provides a weekly notification of new public lists that have been created. To join, send a request to:



This is an announcement-only mailing list used by the JiscMail team to make important announcements regarding the service. All list owners are automatically subscribed to this list.