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Email discussion lists for the UK Education and Research communities
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General Science

A discussion list for sharing knowledge related to the use of ambient and near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

The purpose of this list is for any member to make announcements to further and higher education and the research communities about workshops, seminars, forums, publications, work programmes, projects and gaps in the field of atmospheric dispersion.

This is a list for the big data community being formed in the UK, which is inherently part of many international communities.

This list is used by the operators and users of the British Isles GPS archive Facility, to make announcements on archive operation and news items, to enable discussion between GPS data users, and to encourage cross-fertilisation of ideas and research between satellite positioning technologists and experts in other fields across the spectrum of science.

With the UK's only BREXIT Research Centre, BCU's BREXIT Centre now request the support of JISC to set-up a BREXIT Support Network to collaborate research and teaching activities relating to BREXIT to support the Research Centre.

A meeting place for academics and others involved in organising and researching science engagement activities.

Collaborative Computational Project in Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics (CCP-NTH) develops a strong collaborative community in nuclear thermal hydraulics, to support a community of researchers and engineers to develop and maintain computational methods and software packages to modernise the nuclear thermal hydraulics tools to meet the demands imposed through the development of advanced next-generation nuclear reactor systems.

An e-mail list to discuss and organize meeting for the Chemistry Working Group for the FAAM BAe146

A forum for all practicing and trainee Clinical Engineers in the UK and individuals working in medical technology research and development.

The aim of this list is to be a channel for discussion and information sharing for students, researchers, professional conservators and collection managers, and para-professionals caring for collections in museums, archives, libraries and historic buildings in Wales.


The culthist mailing list is used for conceptual debates in Cultural History, academic announcements, and related issues.

Mailing list for the Developers of the DAWN Science collaborative software. www.dawnsci.org

This list is for users of the Iridis HPC system at Southampton who are from member institutions of the e-Infrastructure South Consortium. http://www.einfrastructuresouth.ac.uk/ The purpose of the list is to keep users informed of status changes and other updates to the Iridis system.

Electron microscopy community in UK networking list. List members can ask for advice, post job advertisements and advertise meetings/courses.

A group concerned that academic inquiry should help humanity acquire more wisdom by rational means. Wisdom is taken to be the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others. It includes knowledge, understanding and technological know-how, and much else besides.

A group concerned to discuss issues arising in connection with the view that academic inquiry should help humanity acquire more wisdom by rational means. Wisdom is taken to be the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others. It includes knowledge, understanding and technological know-how, and much else besides.

For all those interested in ethics, funding, design, implementation and future of doctoral research.

List of volunteers for the Galaxy Zoo project

List of Galaxy Zoo members

Global Consortium for Systems Research (GCSR) — We study, predict, and guide systems change for the better. We are an inclusive global community and anyone can become an Associate Member for free by signing up for the GCSR List on JISCMail. This is an e-mail forum for non-moderated educational and research discussions. GCSR was convened following the 2013 symposium at The Royal Society: Global Integrated Assessment: Making Sense of Complexity in an Interdependent World. GCSR is currently hosted at the Sustainable Innovation Think Tank (SITT) at Unbuilt Labs. To learn more about GCSR, including our Working Groups and our 2022-2023 10th Anniversary Strategic Plan, please visit: https://unbuiltlabs.com/gcsr

The mailing list for everyone involved in teaching and learning support in the subjects of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) in higher education in the UK. The list is run by the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for GEES, based at the University of Plymouth.

This list is for discussion of research on gender, science, technology and engineering (SET), including but not limited to, research on gender differences in involvement in SET occupations and education, feminist science studies and philosophical critiques of SET.

The study of formal methods and approaches to reasoning and modelling in the geosciences: linguistics, logic,AI,mathematics,databases,...

Geomatics has been setup to provide a forum for the discussion of geomatics (the science of spatial data), which is an interdisciplinary area of research and teaching. Keywords: coastal zone management, hydrography, geodesy, GIS, GPS, remote sensing.

This list is a forum for researchers interested in industrial graphites to promote networking, discussion and exchange of ideas. This list is particularly relevant to those interested in nuclear graphite, its use as a structural material in reactor systems and subsequent ageing mechanisms and decommissioning. This list also includes discussion on the IAEA international database on irradiated graphite properties.

This list is used by anyone who is involved in the preservation of engineering sites and artefacts and who wishes to inform others of their activities or discoveries or to seek information or advice.

This mailing list will be to support the operations of the Image Analysis Focused Interest Group of the Royal Microscopical Society (IAFIG-RMS). Members of this group include scientists who conduct some form of image analysis in the life and microscopy sciences. Its purpose will be to keep its members updated with announcements and other information.

The International Association for Media in Science recognises the importance of the use of screen based resources in University science education. It provides an international forum for the sharing of innovation and expertise to the benefit of higher education.

For those researching the properties of indoor air quality, climate and the implications of this on objects, works of art, and archival records.

This List is used by those participating in the Nanotechnology Ethics Theme Team of the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied CETL. Sublist of ideacetl

To facilitate communication and debate amongst those interested in landscape ecology particularly academics and practitioners.

This is a list associated with the informal seminar series jointly between University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University for announcements about seminars, conferences, papers, special issues etc. relevant to the complexity sciences (broadly conceived but including: social science, complexity physics, social networks, biological complexity). There is an associated blog at: http://manchester-complexity.blogspot.co.uk/

A multidisciplinary forum for discussing memory in the twenty-first century. Researchers, authors, artists and organisations are invited to share news, events, projects and publications. The Memory Network emerged from an AHRC Network led by the University of Roehampton and Durham University in 2012-14.

Mailing list to share information among the members of the MICE Experiment Management Office

Mailing list to share information among the members of the MICE-UK Group Leaders

Forum for the Medical Research Council funded data managers, working both for MRC units as well as in universities.

This list is managed by Dr Evangelos Himonides (UCL), on behalf of the Society for Education and Music Psychology Research (sempre), and aims to serve as a discussion forum for researchers working at the shared boundaries of science and music. This list was previously managed by the Institute of Musical Research.

This will be the list used by MYRDDIN: The Wales Network for the History and Social Study of Science, Technology and Medicine to keep members informed about forthcoming activities

Discussion group for the UK Non-Crystalline Diffraction synchrotron radiation user community.

Mailing list for early career researchers postgrads, postdocs etc working on energy systems, parallel to National Energy Research Network. Will include notices of relevant events arranged by UKERC and peer support discussions.

This is a list for National Science and Engineering Week event organisers to communicate with one another and share best practice. Organisers work at universities, research institutions, learned societies, trusts, schools, colleges, science clubs, community centres, science centres, museums, outreach companies, science and engineering-based industry or are individuals, all with an interest in creating events to inspire and engage adults and children with science and engineering based ideas. Join the list to learn more about National Science and Engineering Week!

This list is primarily set up for teachers of the physical sciences UK in higher education. The physical sciences covered include chemistry, physics, astronomy and forensic science. The list is intended to be used for discussion of all topics relating to the teaching of the physical sciences.

Discussion group of the UK's Association of Postdoctoral Researchers: for help, policy campaigning and the exchange of information about career opportunities, international research communities and research mobility.

<HTML> A list to provide a forum for discussion of any matter relating to public communication of science and public engagement with science.<br> In addition, details of relevant events, meetings, jobs, conferences and workshops etc can be posted here.<p> Job ad posting guidelines: <a href="https://bit.ly/pscicom_jobads">https://bit.ly/pscicom_jobads</a> <br> Other communities of practice: <a href= "https://scicommjobs.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/scicomm-communities-of-practice/"> https://scicommjobs.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/scicomm-communities-of-practice/ </a><br> Queries to <a href="mailto:psci-com-request@jiscmail.ac.uk">psci-com-request@jiscmail.ac.uk</a> </HTML>

This is a list for PhD students using or considering using realist methodology in their work, or interested in finding out more about realist methodology. It's to find peer support, link with others in similar geographical or topic areas, and discuss training, reading and everything realist PhD.

List to discuss the data management issues arising in and from research projects in Higher Education and related research communities, in the UK and internationally, established by the Digital Curation Centre on behalf of the JISC.

This list has been retained 08/10/2021 no one can subscribe to this list and no one can post to this list. Contact help@jisc.ac.uk for all enquiries regarding this list A forum for discussing and sharing plans, ideas and resources to improve science and interdisciplinary STEM education across the UK, improving information sharing, reducing duplication of effort, and enhancing collaboration. It is aimed at professional development providers, teacher trainers, and those working to improve delivery, policy, research and resources in science and STEM education. Members can post conferences, resources, job adverts, ask questions, identify others working on similar projects etc.

A forum for discussion on any matter relating to science journalism research and teaching. Aims: to encourage new research networks and the exchange of ideas regarding science journalism research, teaching practice and skills development.

A forum for academics engaged in the study of science education. The list will consider practical and theoretical issues relating to the teaching of science and the professional development of science educators at all levels. The list will have a research focus.


A forum for the discussion of the relationship between art and science, in particular the philosophy, psychology, sociology etc. of images, pictures, representations and visualisations in science and society

A network for historians of science based in Scotland, and historians of Scottish science, where "Science" embraces engineering, mathematics medicine, science and technology.

This list is an interdisciplinary forum for anyone with an interest in shale and mudstone research. The list facilitates discussions on any aspect of shale research, including shale gas and oil shale exploration and production. The list is used to make announcements about shale research projects, workshops, meetings, and publications.

Linking academic outreach practitioners in Norfolk, SOIN will maximise collaboration and ensure effective use of resources

The list is used by members of Stempra to share ideas and discuss the latest issues in science communication. Only paid-up members of Stempra may join this list - http://www.stempra.org.uk/

A network for museums, universities and archives interested in the history and preservation of science, technology and industry.

The Scottish Technology and Industry Collections and Knowledge network aims to promote care and enjoyment of these ollections. Through research, stewardship and advocacy, STICK will encourage wider engagement with technological and industrial collections across Scotland.

This list is run by the International Council on Archives Section on University and Research Institution Archives (https://www.ica.org/en/about-university-archives-suv) for its members and to encourage broader professional discussion among those interested in its topics.

SW-EM is a community of all those working within the field of electron microscopy in the South West UK. Open to all students, early-career researchers, technicians and academics alike, SW-EM aims to serve anyone working in Electron Microscopy in the SW.

The tephra mailing list is used for the discussion and distribution of advances in the fields of Quaternary tephrochronology and volcanism.

The NISO Code of Practice for journal transfers is a Recommended Practice covering journal transfers. An important part of the Code is timely communication to libraries of journal transfers by publishers. The Transfer Alerting Service - https://journaltransfer.issn.org - is where publishers post notices of transfers and it is also a database of all the transfer notices posted by publishers - it can be searched and there is an RSS feed. Notifications of transfers are automatically posted to this list by the Transfer Alerting Service.

This list is for academics, policy, practice and funder colleagues who are interested in transforming how we think about, the use, production and generation of evidence, regulation and infrastructure to support evidence use, strategies and interventions which increase evidence use, and associated domains of inquiry

This list is to enable the discussion of all aspects of the conservation and restoration of items in transport and related collections, for example buses, trains, trams, cars, motorcycles, aircraft, etc.

This list is used by the users of the University of Central Lancashire's High Performance Computer Facility User Group

The UK-EELT list is a subscription based mailing list to alert members of the UK community on developments of the Extremely Large Telescope program. It will cover relevant news and announcements from the UK and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and other partner countries.

This list is used by members of the UK Polar Network for collaboration among young UK polar researches and the announcement of research, funding, and conference opportunities

This list is used by potential applicants to UK Research and Innovation Public Engagement calls to find collaborators to create proposals with.

The UK Space Environments Association is committed to improving communication, collaboration and cooperation across the UK Space Sector. Please subscribe here: http://space-environments.co.uk

A mailing list for public engagement work related to nanotechnology.


Physical Sciences
--Astronomy (20) Chemistry (55) Earth Sciences (130) Forensic and Archaeological Science (10) >General Science Geology (26) Materials Science (30) Physics (144)