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Email discussion lists for the UK Education and Research communities
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Intended for all administrators and end-users of astronomy and astronomy-related software. Request information on software problems, availability of software solutions, or provide info on software titles particularly useful to the academic community.

The DiRAC Project PI's list. This to facilitate communication between those awarded computing resources on the DiRAC HPC Systems and those who manage the DiRAC HPC Systems.

List for supporting DiRAC as a VO: http://www.dirac.ac.uk/ http://www.stfc.ac.uk/1263.aspx This list is for communications involving individual 'users' (participating members of DiRAC and GridPP)

Email distribution list for the Herschel ATLAS Key Project

This is the email distribution list for the International Commission for Planetary Atmospheres and their Evolution (ICPAE).

Labastro is an initiative of ASTRONET to coordinate physical, chemical and astronomical work in the field of experimental and theoretical laboratory astrophysics.

Mailing lists for announcements to UK astronomers involved in/ interested in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and related science.

This is an informal STFC Particle Astrophysics mailing list. This list will be used for the circulation of information considered to be relevant to the wider Particle Astrophysics Community.

For discussion of Physics Education Research in the UK

This is a group to manage the activities of the Radio Galaxy Zoo science team.

Those involved in the South East Physics Network.

Email distribution list for the UK consortium members of the proposed European Space Agency SPICA space telescope

This is a mailing list for researchers with an interest in topics related to Outer Space.

A list to connect public engagement practitioners in SUPA (Scottish Universities Physics Alliance) institutions.

Announcement list for TOPCAT, STILTS and STIL software. This low-volume list is only used for release announcements etc.

Discussion list for users of the TOPCAT, STILTS and STIL software. Users, potential users, developers and other interested parties are encouraged to use this to post questions, answers, bug reports, feature requests, comments, tips, experiences etc related to the software

The UK-SOSS mailing list includes the email addresses of researchers and students in the area of Solar Physics and related topics, from mainly the United Kingdom. This list is primarily used to make public annoucements on the arrangement and update of the seminars.

The UK is an affiliated member of the NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI). The UK-node is comprised of over 100 members, representing 16 Universities and other research-active organisations. Our main aims are to: 1) facilitate involvements for the UK community in future lunar missions. 2) help train the next generation of lunar scientists in the UK.

The UKSP mailing list includes the email addresses of members of the Solar Physics and related communities in the United Kingdom, and also some overseas participants. Members of this list receive a fortnightly newsletter including announcements, news and job advertisements.

Working group for the WISE/Zooniverse project