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Email discussion lists for the UK Education and Research communities
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Earth Sciences

The North Atlantic Climate System Study - ACSIS - is a NERC Long Term Science Multi-Centre (LTSM) Programme, led by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and delivered by six NERC Centres (NCAS, NOC, BAS, NCEO, CPOM, PML) in collaboration with the UK Met Office. The overarching science objective of ACSIS is: To enhance the UK & 128's capability to detect, attribute and predict changes in the North Atlantic Climate System

The Climate Resilience Network supports universities to develop resilience to climate change both within their institution and their communities, to share knowledge and best practice, and a platform for universities to connect with policymakers and develop effective approaches to resilience and disaster preparedness.

This list is for sharing knowledge and experience in all aspects of air quality, mainly focused on the UK.

Email list of all partners involved in the Altereco project - Alternative framework for assessing the marine Ecosystem.

This list brings together scientist and collaborators who work in the marine ecosystem modelling community.

The list seeks to serve educators, science communicators and those working in the fields of education and public outreach in astronomy related fields, to exchange ideas, best practises and resources.

The purpose of this list is for any member to make announcements to further and higher education and the research communities about workshops, seminars, forums, publications, work programmes, projects and gaps in the field of atmospheric dispersion.

This is a mailing list for all Geophysics Postgraduate students. A place for discussing problems, promoting work and generally discuss.

This list is used by the operators and users of the British Isles GPS archive Facility, to make announcements on archive operation and news items, to enable discussion between GPS data users, and to encourage cross-fertilisation of ideas and research between satellite positioning technologists and experts in other fields across the spectrum of science.

The BSRG mailing list is for the discussion of all aspects of sedimentology: modern and ancient, practical and theoretical.

An discussion list for communication regarding building stones, quarrying, sourcing, stone conservation and research and issues relating to these topics.

This list is for academic-licensed users of the CASTEP plane-wave DFT ab-initio modelling code. Discussions and queries on usage, tips, tools and enhancements are all welcome.

The list is used to make announcements to the community supported by the Collaborative Computational Project for NMR Crystallography (CCP-NC).

A email list to contact users of the CEDA CC )Centre for Environmental Data Archival Compliance Checker) software package for verifying file metadata.

The Climate Change Impacts mailing list is a forum for discussion of research issues relating to development of climate change impacts assessments. In particular, it promotes information exchange on the development and application of climate change scenarios. It also aims to encourage the wider dissemination of data and research results.

This list is of interest to researchers and educators working on information, communication and research on matters related to climate change.

Mailing list for the network "CliMathNet"


Announcement and discussion list for COZONE - the combined forum of the Beach Processes network, the Coastal Structures network and the Coastal Waters network.

This list will be used by Charnia Research Group members to exchange information about Ediacaran (late Neoproterozoic, Precambrian)fossils, particularly from Charnwood Forest.

Metals that are perceived to have high supply risks have recently been called "critical metals". The exact list of metals that are considered to be critical varies, but typically include indium, gallium, germanium, selenium, tellurium, neodymium, dysprosium, lithium, vanadium, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, tantalum, niobium, cobalt and the PGE. The mission of the IAGOD Working Group for Critical Metals is to promote and coordinate research into the mechanisms that lead to economic concentration of critical metals in geological environments

A list for those involved with the development of ORAC code.

This list is to facilitate planning and discussion for the DIAMET field campaign. (DIAMET = Diabatic influences on mesoscale structures in extratropical storms -A NERC Storms Risk Mitigiation project).

This list is used by Diversity in Geoscience, UK (DiG-UK) to make announcements and provide communications with and between its members - Earth and Environmental sciences, Geography and Ecology (GEES) UG and PG students, academics, FE teachers and professionals.

This list is used by Earth2Earth to announce upcoming talks and events.

Announcement and discussion list for the UK Earth System Science group, which is a constituted scientific interest group of the Geological Society of London, but comprises interested students, academics and individuals from other learned societies, industry and academia.

This list is used by the British Geological Survey to make public announcements about IODP Expeditions implemented by the ECORD Science Operator.

A mailing list for scientists and educators interested in sharing ideas and thoughts on educational and citizen seismology

UK support for the European Incoherent Scatter radars located in Northern Scandinavia.

The list is a discussion forum and information exchange network concerning all areas of environmental chemistry, geochemistry and biogeochemistry, including the chemistry of terrestrial & marine aquatic environments, soil & sedimentary systems and the atmosphere.

This list aims to connect individuals and groups who are involved in or interested in engaging with research in environment and geosciences or are involved in public engagement and outreach activity in these fields.

Environmental Health Informatics announcement and discussion list. Providing a forum for the growing health and environmental research informatics community and range of stakeholders amd providers.

This list brings together those interested in public engagement with environmental science. A wide range of people have been invited to join the list. NERC does not manage, approve or endorse content shared on this list. The views expressed in messages are the personal views of the author. They may not necessarily represent those of NERC. NERC accepts no liability for any errors, corruption or omissions that might arise. The JiscMail Service Policy document: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/policyandsecurity/ describes the way in which we expect the service to be used by subscribers. It sets out (S9) JISC handling of personal data obligations under the Data Protection Act (1998).

An email list encompassing all members of the EPN 2024 RI (Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure) finance, admin, scientific, Transnational Access leads, all officers (including impact)

Project Management Committee mailing list EPN 2024 RI

List to plan and circulate flight information for the MEVALI campaign in March 2012. Microwave Emission Validation over sub-Arctic Lake Ice

A forum for discussion and dissemination of information relating to the Fission track method.

This list is to provide user support, announcements, and feedback relating to the FORCinel software package: a free set of analysis tools for the rock magnetism community for the processing of first order reversal curve FORC diagams.

For discussion of research relating to experimental and analytical approaches to understanding fossilization of remains of non-biomineralized organisms and tissues

The mailing list for everyone involved in teaching and learning support in the subjects of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) in higher education in the UK. The list is run by the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for GEES, based at the University of Plymouth.

A forum for all those studying carbonatites (igneous carbonate rocks), to exchange views and information, including details of meetings and new publications.

Group on Earth Observation and Committee of Earth Observation Satellites

This list will act as a platform for the dissemination and discussion of information related to computer modelling in Geoscience. Contributions are invited from researchers in Geology, Geography, Geochemistry, Hydrogeology and Engineering.

A forum for exchange of views and information on geological collections and their management. This is the discussion list for the Geological Curators Group, affiliated to the Geological Society of London. For further information, and to join the Group, see the website: https://www.geocurator.org/ This list is open for anyone with an interest in geological collections to join and contribute.

The list publicises activities of the Geological Society Environment Group and promotes discussion of environmental issues that interface with geology. Details will be posted of relevant conferences, fieldtrips and publications, especially in journals geologists may not regularly read.

A medium for the distribution of papers and publicity related to the activities of Geological Information Group of The Geological Society. The GIG covers geological information in the widest sense including the uses of numeric, non-numeric and bibliographic data and computer applications.

This list is provided by the Hydrogeological Group of the Geological Society for hydrogeologists and those from other disciplines with hydrogeological interests. It aims to promote hydrogeology via announcements and information exchange.

Library services supporting higher education and research in the geological sciences.

This list has been set up under the auspices of the Metamorphic Studies Group and aims to act as an electronic information point for scientists working in all aspects of metamorphic geology.

This list is the electronic information point for the Mineral Deposits Studies Group, an affiliate of the Geological Society (London). The list is also a forum open to all earth-scientists interested Economic Geology.

A platform for discussion of the provision of transferable skills development and careers guidance within earth science undergraduate degree courses, and a medium for the dissemination of information relating to the activities of the UK Earth Sciences Personal & Career Development Network.

A discussion vehicle and information point for postgraduate researchers in the Geological Sciences. It allows less-experienced researchers to request and distribute information in an informal environment which promotes collaboration. Funding, job and conference adverts will be posted regularly.

The study of formal methods and approaches to reasoning and modelling in the geosciences: linguistics, logic,AI,mathematics,databases,...

A forum for the discussion of all aspects of tectonics, structural geology and related disciplines. The list operates under the auspices of the Tectonic Studies Group of the Geological Society of London but is open to all. It carries regular postings advertising the Group's activities.

Mailing list for professional and academic geoarchaeologists. Announcements and discussions on new research, upcoming conferences, job opportunities etc

A mailing list for those interested in being external examiners for taught courses in geography to share opportunities, contribute to discussions and ask questions.

This list is for use of Committee members and participants in the Geological Society of London's Higher Education Network to make announcements and invite discussion on issues related to Geoscience learning and teaching in higher education.

Information and discussion list for the Engineering Group of the Geological Society and other interested engineering geologists

Geomatics has been setup to provide a forum for the discussion of geomatics (the science of spatial data), which is an interdisciplinary area of research and teaching. Keywords: coastal zone management, hydrography, geodesy, GIS, GPS, remote sensing.

The British Geophysical Association's Open Email Discussion List. This list will support the activities of the BGA, a subsidiary body of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Geological Society of London. Discussion of any scientific aspect of geophysics, or of organisational matters relating to geophysics in the UK, will be welcomed.

A mailing list for people working on games in the geosciences to discuss research, playtest ideas, and connect with others in the field.

This list is used by members of the Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group (formerly the Women and Geography Study Group) of the Royal Geographical Society to circulate announcements and to facilitate discussion of issues of relevance to feminist geography and to supporting women in Geography. Note - the change of name follows from the 2013 debate and vote about the name of the group. <HTML> This list is used by members of the Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group (formerly the Women and Geography Study Group) of the Royal Geographical Society to circulate announcements and to facilitate discussion of issues of relevance to feminist geography and to supporting women in Geography. Note - the change of name follows from the 2013 debate and vote about the name of the group. </HTML>

GIS-WALES is a forum and discussion vehicle for all things relating to GIS in Wales. It aims to help the GIS community: with technical problems relating to GIS and spatial data; find the right data for specific problems; announce conferences, workshops and GI initiative in Wales; share experiences of solving GIS problems; discuss research news and GIS articles worthy of note. It allows the GIS community to request and distribute information in an informal environment which promotes collaboration. Funding, job and conference adverts will be posted regularly.

High Resolution (HighResMIP) is a Coupled Model Intercomparison (CMIP6) endorsed project. This working group will develop ideas for the next round of climate simulation and analysis for the community.


Information and discussion group for those with an academic or research interested in the history of geology or the wider earth sciences

This is the email distribution list for the International Commission for Planetary Atmospheres and their Evolution (ICPAE).

IGP (Iceland Greenland seas Project) - an email list for IGP project participants, including those taking part in the coupled field campaign of January-March 2018.

This is the mailing list for the Fluid Dynamics Seminar in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London.

A list to promote the exchange of ideas and information on new Rb/Sr & K/Ca geochronology techniques. Discussion of laboartories including techniques, standards, instruments and opportunities.

Communication channel for members of the Interdisciplinary Research Network on the Environment and Society. IRNES is open to all those who have an interest in the interplay between the ecosystem and its sub-unit that we call society. Find our home page at http://irnes.webjump.com

This is a mailing list of the Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP)

The "JASMIN-NAMe" list is to support a collaboration between the UK Met Office and a number of UK Universities. It is used for information sharing within the community of users running NAME on JASMIN. It can also be used to ask questions of the other experts within this community.

To support interactions between web mangers within the Research Councils and their institutes

List for further and Higher education and the research community who want to make better use of the Jisc Geospatial data service. Jisc will make announcements concerning the service but members of the list can also share experiences.

MASTS Numerical Hydrodynamic Modelling Forum members mailing list.

The list is a medium for communication and exchange of information among members of MASTS and close associates related to numerical hydrodynamic modelling.

Maths on Ice are monthly online seminars on research in Mathematical Glaciology.

Medical geology started as a "new" discipline in 1998 with establishing a Working Group on Medical Geology within COGEOENVIRONMENT, an international commission on environmental geology under the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS).

A list serving the meteorological community of the UK and overseas. The list is an initiative of the Royal Meteorological Society. Key Words: Meteorology, Meteorological Science, Climate, Weather, Hydrometeorology

Communication between members of the NERC Marine Integrated Autonomous Observing Systems (MIAOS) projects AlterEco (https://altereco.ac.uk) and CAMPUS (https://www.campus-marine.org)

This list is for anyone with an interest in the historical influence of terrain - geology and geography - on the outcome of military campaigns. Originally set up in association with the Nottingham conference but now of broader scope: any topics and news of military geograph and military geology interest are welcome.

This list is the electronic information point for the Mineral Physics Group of The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The list is also a forum open to all scientists interested in mineral physics.

The MIST mailing list is for messages and announcements of interest to the UK MIST (Magnetosphere Ionosphere and Solar Terrestrial physics) community. Information about MIST may be found on the Web site: http://www.mist.ac.uk/

This list will enable communication between members of the Palaeolithic working group of the Maritime & Marine Historic Research Framework project, other working groups and the wider project management

The NABO (North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation) mailing list is used for discussion and announcements to the multinational and interdisciplinary group of scholars working in the North Atlantic region.

The interaction between where people live and their individual outcomes is complex and mutli-faceted. This list is for researchers and practitioners working on neighbourhood effects related research.

This list will be used to share information about the Diamond Light Source to members of the NERC community. It will be a forum for discussion of issues relevant to NERC's involvement in Diamond, eg submissions on future strategy and investments.

This list will be used to share information about the ISIS facility with members of the NERC community. It will be a forum for discussion of issues relevant to NERC's involvement in ISIS, eg submissions on future strategy and investments.

The Noble Gas Geochemistry Network is used for the exchange of information on noble gas measurements for Earth Sciences in the UK

National Partnership for Ocean Prediction Coastal Modelling and Application Activity Group mailing and discussion list. Used for group announcements, and sharing coastal modelling and processes information, making technical enquiries and discussion.

The Ocean Modelling Special Interest Group connects UK ocean modellers of all flavours. Our goal is to promote interaction, especially among early career ocean modellers. We aim to showcase the breadth and brilliance of UK ocean modelling. We hold an informal annual meeting in September where as many people as possible speak.

This is the mailing list of the International Commission for the History of Oceanography. Please post here about events, research news, and other matters relating to the history of ocean science.

This list is used by the OneGeology project to provide updates on the activities of the OneGeology project, including circulation of newsletters, updates to the portal and catalogue, announcements of workshops, and meetings.

This list is for NCEO scientists concerned with datasets of aerosol and cloud properties derived from imager data.

This email list could serve as a designated contact platform to exchange some ideas and information about sea pens, as well as any taxa that may be relevant to the researchers part of this email list. Everybody is welcome!

The management of Petroleum Data Management is a diverse field. It addresses strategic issues such as standards, people, process and technology, as well as more tactical issues such as the management of physical records (e.g. logs, maps, sections, tapes and reports) and their digital equivalents (well logs, seismic surveys, complex 3D sub-surface models or even a National Data Repository). The aim of this list is to build a global community of Petroleum Data Managers who can work together to share their experiences and solve common problems, issues and concerns.

This email list serves as a central contact point for the 'Plants-Soils-Ecosystems' Special Interest Group of the British Ecological Society. We use the list to distribute details on upcoming events, circulate job opportunities, and to discuss recent developments in the field of plant-soil interactions and ecosystem ecology.

Communication among POLYGRAM consortium members

The Quantitative Methods Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society (with the IBG) seeks to promote the use of appropriate quantitative techniques in geographical research and teaching. The membership of the group spans the human/physical divide within the subject; interests include spatial statistics, remote sensing and GIS.

This list will be used to support the work of the NERC thematic project "RAPID-WATCH" which is aimed at studying the effects of changes in the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation.

Distribution of news on RAS activities (primarily meetings, grant opportunities etc.)

This list provides an email distribution service for the announcement of job opportunities within the astronomical and earth sciences, as part of the service strategy of the Royal Astronomical Society.

A discussion and announcement forum for elected Committee members of Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) [RGS-IBG] Research Groups, maintained by the Research and Higher Education Division of the RGS-IBG. Contact rhed@rgs.org for assistance.

The role of the river restoration mailing list is to act as a discussion forum for both academics and practitioners in the field of river restoration. Enabling the wider dissemination of information of a practical, theoretical and scientific nature within environmental organisations and across academic disciplines. This list has also the potential to act as a means of disseminating information on areas of good practice, thus facilitating advancements within this field.

This lists facilitates discussion between UK scientists interested in radiative transfer.

Sea level research is broadly interdisciplinary and understanding the impacts of sea-level change is important to society. This list serves as a forum for discussion and announcements of interest to this community.

Email list for members of the Space Academic Network (SPAN) Earth Observation Working Group, which will provide a voice for Earth Observation sciences as part of the space-related research in the UK.

This list is an interdisciplinary forum for anyone with an interest in shale and mudstone research. The list facilitates discussions on any aspect of shale research, including shale gas and oil shale exploration and production. The list is used to make announcements about shale research projects, workshops, meetings, and publications.

Spectrally High resolution Infrared measurements for the characterisation of Volcanic Ash (SHIVA): a new way to study volcanic processes <HTML> http://www.atm.ox.ac.uk/project/volcano/wiki/index.php/SHIVA </HTML>

This is the mailing list for the members of the Soil Care Network, an inter-disciplinary network for soil researchers. Please see soilcarenetwork.com for more details.

This is used to promote programmatic and technical discussion relevant to UK science and engineering research in space weather.

This list supports a long-term research collaboration with biological field recorders into "Spiritual Landscapes". List members will likely have attended a workshop hosted by a member of the research team, particularly Dr. Jeremy Kidwell. The list is meant to provide a forum for persons to report on their experience in the field, troubleshoot issues, and share announcements about forthcoming events that may be of interest.

This list is for subfossil chironomid researchers to exchange information. This can include sharing events and asking for help with identification. It can be used by researchers at all career stages, including students. Other ways to stay in touch with the community: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/439210788175361/ Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FuilithzrYjHfxWzfVkZOB Online seminar planning: https://tinyurl.com/47hcyjww Online seminar mailing list: https://tinyurl.com/2p8v8e59 Online list of identification keys: https://tinyurl.com/vxu22pdj <HTML> This list is for subfossil chironomid researchers to exchange information. This can include sharing events and asking for help with identification. It can be used by researchers at all career stages, including students. Other ways to stay in touch with the community: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/439210788175361/">a Facebook page</a>, <a href="https://chat.whatsapp.com/FuilithzrYjHfxWzfVkZOB">a Whatsapp group</a>, <a href="https://tinyurl.com/47hcyjww">an online seminar planning</a>, <a href="https://tinyurl.com/2p8v8e59">the seminar sign-up list</a>, <a href="https://tinyurl.com/vxu22pdj">an online list of identification keys</a>. </HTML> </HTML>

The Ionospheric Effects Topical Group is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, ideas and thoughts regarding ionospheric modelling, observations and mitigation techniques. The group also addresses topics related to ionospheric services for end user communities.

The tephra mailing list is used for the discussion and distribution of advances in the fields of Quaternary tephrochronology and volcanism.

Discussion forum for ongoing thermogeology research

Cultivating mutual beneficial relationships between community-led action for sustainable prosperity and academic research.

The UEA Glider Group is based in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia. We own and operate a fleet of ten UW/iRobot/Kongsberg/Hydroid underwater gliders.

The UK-CARE, founded in 2000, is a non-profit international organisation with long-term missions providing a platform to promote the collaboration between universities, research institutes and industries both in the UK/EU and China.

The list will serve the purpose of allowing communication among members of the UK Consortium on Sustainability Research, with information on research opportunities, grants, publications and events.

This list will facilitate discussion of plans, collaborations and proposals for UK efforts in the International Indian Ocean Expedition 2. Field campaigns are expected to be within the 2016-2020 time frame.

This list will facilitate discussion of plans, collaborations and proposals for UK efforts in the International Indian Ocean Expedition 2. Field campaigns are expected to be within the 2016-2020 time frame.

The UK is an affiliated member of the NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI). The UK-node is comprised of over 100 members, representing 16 Universities and other research-active organisations. Our main aims are to: 1) facilitate involvements for the UK community in future lunar missions. 2) help train the next generation of lunar scientists in the UK.

This list is used by members of the UK Polar Network for collaboration among young UK polar researches and the announcement of research, funding, and conference opportunities

The UK Space Environments Association is committed to improving communication, collaboration and cooperation across the UK Space Sector. Please subscribe here: http://space-environments.co.uk

A list to facilitate communication of a new network of UK and Malaysian (principally early career) academics recently created via a British Council Researcher Links workshop (see www.urban-groundwater.net)

This list is used by members of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group, a joint specialist group of both the Geological Society of London and the Mineralogical Society, and provides a focus for the study of magmatic processes and volcanology in the UK.

List for discussion of all aspects of implementation, support and use of X-ray diffraction instrumentation and software for processing data produced from these instruments.

This list is used by the officers and members of the Yorkshire Geological Society (founded in 1837) for communicating and exchanging information about meetings, field excursions, research and publications, and the exchange of information and queries relating the the geology of Yorkshire and the north of England.